5 Creative Ideas for Conference Sessions

At first glance, the 31-year-old, with her Instagram following of 300 000, may give the impression of being just another modest influencer, posing in brands like Dulce by Safiya, Culture Hijab, and Hayah Collection.
“I converted to Islam in 2007, but I never felt like I was fully ready to commit to hijab – my hair was a crutch for me,” says burgeoning rap artist Neelam Hakeem. “From a fashion perspective, I didn’t realize that you could be modest and fierce at the same time; that you could walk into a room and command it. Not that I was ever a skin-shower,” she laughs. “I don’t have a Kardashian body.” The diminutive Hakeem, whose face has the full and regal features of an African queen, is speaking from her home in Los Angeles, where she lives with her husband, Marquis Henri, their two young children, and her mother. At first glance, the 31-year-old, with her Instagram following of 300 000, may give the impression of being just another modest influencer, posing in brands like Dulce by Safiya, Culture Hijab, and Hayah Collection. Then you play one of her videos, and she starts rapping about everything from political and social injustices to women’s rights.
A shoe is not only a design, but it’s a part of your body language, the way you walk. The way you’re going to move is quite dictated by your shoes.
With exposure comes the responsibility and added pressure of being a role model, which is something Hart doesn’t take lightly. “By virtue of being a female in the job that I am in, you automatically become a role model in some way, whether you choose that or not. I’m careful of the things I advocate and the message I put out there,” she explains. “In a world of Instagram and selfies, I hope I can offer young women something beyond the aesthetic and demonstrate that power comes from a realm outside of the patriarchal gaze. I’d rather offer something relatable than something unattainable.
On the inspiration behind the exhibition
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